Retaining Walls

At BeGreenLawn Care, we specialize in building durable and aesthetically pleasing retaining walls, from small garden walls to large supporting structures. A well-built retaining wall is crucial for your landscaping, as poorly designed or installed walls can deteriorate over time and cause significant issues.

Precast Retaining Walls

Precast retaining walls are the most popular choice among our clients. These walls are built with poured concrete that comes precast in block form, making them easy to stack and fit together. Precast retaining walls are ideal for garden bed retainers or large supporting walls and are often used as supporting structures for paving stones. Available in many colors and styles, precast retaining walls are versatile and suitable for most applications.

Explore our favorite precast retaining wall options from suppliers like:

Professional Installation

At BeGreenLawn Care, we ensure that our retaining walls are installed with precision. We use polymer sand between each stone to prevent grass or weeds from growing through. Additionally, we excavate the soil and install tamped gravel along with sand to create a compacted granular base. This method ensures a longer-lasting retaining wall that is resistant to frost heaves.

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